Plank Chair pays tribute to the natural beauty and warmth of wood, crafted with a deep respect for honest and sustainable materials. Our mission from the very beginning has been to reuse leftover planks and create the entire chair out of wood, as it has a calming effect on us.

Our journey started with a treasure trove of sustainable materials - leftover wood planks from a local carpentry. With a commitment to honest craftsmanship and sustainable choices, we transformed these planks into a refined object of love. The result is a beautiful and practical chair that transports you to the heart of a carpenter's workshop, evoking the scent of fresh pine and the feeling of natural beauty.

The entire chair is elegantly elevated on three feet carved out of the wooden planks, resulting in an effortless floating sensation. In fact, the chair balances between sculpture and function, making it a unique piece of furniture that's both visually stunning and practical.

“I simply designed The Plank chair to be a visual delight and to fit seamlessly into any space. It's not just a piece of furniture, it's a statement of the beauty of wood and the artistry of carpentry. This chair is my definition and the very foundation of a chair.”

-Jangir Maddadi